Eckankar—the Path of Spiritual Freedom

Through study and practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, we learn to recognize the Light and Sound of God as It touches our lives and brings increased divine love.


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Welcome to Eckankar in South Carolina

Are you looking for the personal experience of God—every day? Eckankar, the path of spiritual freedom, can help you fulfill your dream. We invite you to take your next step in spiritual exploration by visiting the rest of our web site or joining us at one of our local events.

Hope to see you soon!

Discover Your Spiritual Purpose

Have you ever wondered what your spiritual purpose might be? This is a question many people ask and spend their life searching for the answer to.

“If someone said to me, “I would like to learn to love all life,” this would be the greatest thing a person could live for.  This is the whole purpose of this life- to love God truly.”

Sri Harold Klemp, The Drumbeat of Time, Mahanta Transcripts Book, Book 10, p. 167

What is Eckankar?

Each of us is connected to God through Divine Spirit (the ECK), which can be heard as Sound and seen as Light. Eckankar offers a spiritual toolkit to help you experience the Light and Sound of God.

Eckankar means "Co-worker with God." It offers ways to explore your own unique and natural relationship with the Divine. The full experience of God is possible in this lifetime!

Eckankar Soul Adventure Magazine

The Eckankar Soul Adventure Magazine presents adventures of divine miracles, amazing spiritual artwork, and techniques to consciously connect with the God Current.

Thousands of people all over the world and from every walk of life find these techniques and spiritual perspectives life-charging and life-changing.

This free digital magazine is published quarterly. View the current issue or subscribe