Central Region Public Events

November 19, 2024
  • Meetup: Answering the Call of Soul: what’s your special reason for coming into this lifetime?

    November 19, 2024  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    by ZOOM

    Answering the Call of Soul: what’s your special reason for coming into this lifetime?

    Do you feel that something within is constantly urging you to look for more? You know
    the answers you seek do exist somewhere in the world but outwardly all you know is
    this gnawing feeling that somehow there is more to life.

    An inner force pushes you to find the answers. It is the Call of Soul.

    This is the journey to discovering your life’s purpose. You are Soul, a divine spark of
    God on a journey homeward. Soul wants to experience more of the Voice of God, which
    can be heard as Sound and seen as Light. This Voice often remains an unconscious
    inner experience of which the outer, or human, side of the individual is not aware.

    We look forward to meeting you and hearing your insights and experiences with
    answering the call of Soul. We’ll also share some techniques on how to become more
    aware of the gift of God’s love and ways to discover your life’s purpose. All are

    Topic: Answering the Call of Soul
    Time: Nov 19, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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